Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Favorite Web2.0 Tools

Mel's Web2.0 Definition:
Web2.0 creates a computer without any need for memory storage, because it is all stored via Internet. It also eliminates hassle or forgetfulness, since it can be accessed from any unit with an Internet connection. Web2.0 is making us less dependent on our "owned" computers and more dependent on Internet access, making computers a gateway to our stored information vs. the single storage location for all of our information.

Drop Box (Personal Productivity):
Dropbox market's itself as the "magic pocket" and information will not be forgotten at home again due to forgetting a disc, flash drive, or memory card. All of the information can be kept in the web-based folder and stored on multiple electronic devices, while being stored on Dropbox's website. It is the perfect way to manage documents when using multiple electronic devices, such as an at home work station and the school provided work station. No more forgetting the flash drive or external hard drive, because all information can be stored in one spot and in one document.

This can be very beneficial for students and teachers alike. For teachers it can be a lot more functional for taking work home, it is as easy as having the Dropbox folder on the school desktop and on their home computer desktop. Now those forgetful teachers will no longer need to stress about forgetting documents at school, as long as Dropbox is used as the default storage location. For students it makes it a lot easier to work on papers in multiple locations without having 2-3 documents and being unsure of which has the most up-to-date information. It makes it web-based vs. school-based to keep information after graduation. Furthermore, it may be difficult and nearly impossible for some to access the school's web-based H-drive, essentially making those programs worthless. Dropbox is as simple as accessing web-based e-mail: sign-in and all of your information is in one place no matter where you are! This is also good for students who may not have regular access to the same computer, allowing them to make progress at school, the local library, or a friend's computer. This makes it more functional to live without a computer for a long period of time, given access to any computer with an Internet connection is available.

Ustream (Screen Recorder):
Ustream allows anyone with a user name and password to create videos and/or voice recordings. This is the most technologically advance way, to conduct group work or create simple video productions. I recall from my middle school years needing a video camera, editing equipment, and a computer to upload the information on to. Now it is web-based, only one computer is needed and as quickly as the group can log-in and press "broadcast now" they can begin recording. Once the broadcast is complete there are ways to embed the video onto websites, blogs, etc. So instead of the group bringing a physical copy of their show to school it could be easily posted onto a teacher's blog where he or she could review and grade online. Plus if all of the videos are in one location (the teachers blog), it now becomes a one stop shop for viewing all of the group projects. It does not require other media sources to work with in class other than the Internet, eliminating possible incompatibilities with media forms or not downloading information correctly. This way projects, grading, and presentations are streamlined into one place for all!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pic U, Pic Me, PicNic, Picasa

Picasa is web based photo organizer and editor. It could enhance teaching and learning by providing quick and easy ways to upload and edit photos. Plus its FREE! This is a great price for anyone, but especially teachers, since it is widely known that teachers spend a lot of money out of pocket. The best part is it can be worked on at any computer station. This means a teacher can work on it at school, home, or at a library computer. I have used photoshop in the past, but I am not very proficient in many of its tools. I like the features of Picasa, because they do all the things I want and need out of a photo editor, while being user friendly.... and did I mention.... FREE! I added a few photos to the online album. Since I was the owner of the group I was the only one who had editing rights. It is google's way of adding security to the album and not letting anyone who can view the album make changes. I added frames, text, stickers, and other clip art to existing photos. I also used the auto correct to make some fine tune edits to some of the pictures to see how well it worked. I must say I was impressed with it's ability to correct and embellish the phtos.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Integrating Blogging into Lessons

I think this will be trickier for me as a Physical Education teacher since the classroom isn't structured in a typical classroom. Which made me think: how would I incorporate a blog into my classroom? I thought I could keep up my own blog about my exercise activities and other events going on in the area. I could include things such as fun runs, biking events, triathlons, group exercise classes, dances, and other events related to these issues, like conferences. It would be a way for my students to connect with local activities in the area.

As for health this would be easier to incorporate classroom material. I could include information about different health concepts, bring differing views all to one location. I could integrate it into the lesson plans. I could blog about my views on various health topics, opposing views to these topics, and ways to create a healthier lifestyle for my peers and my students.

Another benefit to keeping a blog for both PE and health that I found very intriguing was connecting to parents and communicating units, lesson plans, and the class schedule. This way parents can stay up-to-date with events taking place in the classroom. It would provide a way for parents to reflect on the units and contact me with any questions or concerns.

Finally, it would be a fun modern way to keep connected with the students. I have never been a blogger before, but I have found this to be fun and something that I plan to keep up - not only for school, but for a new hobby.

Personal Bio

I love the snow. This day was in early Feb and we left work early to avoid the crazy traffic. The snow flakes fell lightly in my hair. I love catching snow flakes on my tongue!
I am an only child and grew up in Salem, Oregon. I have always had an interest to teach and it slightly disappeared when I entered high school and decided students are mean and I didn't know if that is what I wanted to do for the remainder of my career. I have always been active. I have been involved in many team sports: soccer, volleyball, cross country, basketball, swimming, softball, and track and field to name a few. I continued my undergraduate education at Willamette University, majoring in Exercise Science. I was also a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and a member of the Bearcat Track and Field team. I then went onto work for about a year and a half before I made the choice to come back to the School of Education and become a teacher. I also coached the throwing events at Kennedy High School in Mt. Angel, Oregon for two seasons. I plan on teaching Physical Education (K-12) and Health (Middle/High). Since I have always been active I love promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles. I have always had an affinity for children, being around them, and learning from their amazing, unique minds. In a society where students are becoming more unhealthy and less fit, I want to impart my passion onto these students and hopefully a spark of my fire will light the student's to become a more healthy and fit person.