Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pic U, Pic Me, PicNic, Picasa

Picasa is web based photo organizer and editor. It could enhance teaching and learning by providing quick and easy ways to upload and edit photos. Plus its FREE! This is a great price for anyone, but especially teachers, since it is widely known that teachers spend a lot of money out of pocket. The best part is it can be worked on at any computer station. This means a teacher can work on it at school, home, or at a library computer. I have used photoshop in the past, but I am not very proficient in many of its tools. I like the features of Picasa, because they do all the things I want and need out of a photo editor, while being user friendly.... and did I mention.... FREE! I added a few photos to the online album. Since I was the owner of the group I was the only one who had editing rights. It is google's way of adding security to the album and not letting anyone who can view the album make changes. I added frames, text, stickers, and other clip art to existing photos. I also used the auto correct to make some fine tune edits to some of the pictures to see how well it worked. I must say I was impressed with it's ability to correct and embellish the phtos.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think you mentioned FREE :)
    Thanks for linking to your album.
