Monday, September 20, 2010

Technology in Oregon Education

Technology is at an all time high of opportunities it and online resources offer to students. The "big picture" of what  NETS*S, NETS*T, the new Oregon Diploma, and OETS are portraying is technology is running rapid in today's workforce and it is something that is important to include in today's education. The OETS standards depict the enhancement of education through technology. Today's students may be enhancing their education without a second thought, but for some it may be more of an effort to include technology into their education. Regardless, all children are required to attend school, in which technology can be incorporated into lessons. Technology creates a limitless education and it would be a disservice not to educate students in this setting, which is why it is becoming a National and State objective to teach to students.

Teachers have a few different responsibilities to students' education with respect to technology. First, they should have an equal or greater understanding of technology than their students. However, it would be good for the teacher to also learn from the student and it may be a good opportunity for students to bring their background knowledge/experiences into the classroom. It is important for the teacher to be technological literate to push the students to their extents with projects. I believe education is about expanding pre-existing knowledge bases and challenging existing beliefs. Second, teachers must know about it and how to make projects more creative, interesting, and elaborate, as a result of technology as a resource. Thus, relating back to my first point that they should at least have a similar understanding of technology. Otherwise their credibility may be questioned by their students, ultimately losing the impact of the lesson itself.

What this means to me as an educator is I must be always on my toes as to how technology can enhance a learning situation, by enhancing communication, creativity, critical thinking, and research. I will need to take this task on for professional development so I can constantly be introducing the latest and greatest ideas into my classroom. I have two completely different classrooms that I can incorporate technology. My PE classroom will have different technological objectives than my health classroom, but in either classroom, it is still possible to include technology.

Health Technology:
There are many creative ways that technology can be incorporated into health. When conducting a unit on healthy decisions and choices I could assign a project which would incorporate video production, in which the students would take video clips, piece them together with a program such as PicasaWeb. This would enhance a standard group presentation in front of the class. Another component I could add to this project would be OETS #3 (Research and Information). As a class we could go to the library, learn how to first and foremost be a responsible, safe, and legal internet user (OETS # 5 - Digital Citizenship). From there the groups could research information on their presentation topic. This could also be a perfect time to learn how to evaluate credible sources.

PE Technology:
This content area seems a little more obscure to incorporate technology, but when stressing the important of concepts like literacy and technology, no content area can be excluded. I was brain storming at the beginning of this course how technology would play a role, and I thought blogging is a great way to explore ideas with colleagues, promote local activities in the area, and a way to network with other people who share similar interests (OETS #2 - Communication and Collaboration). Again, this would be an excellent way to research (OETS #3) new workout routines, new and innovative exercises, or simply a program that would fit the student's lifestyle.

Just in these two projects I have found ways to incorporate the OETS standards in very practical and useful manners. Give more time and the ability to work in greater depth with my material for each class I can develop more ways to include technology into my lessons and enhance student education.

To sum it up, almost every job requires minimal technological literacy even to just apply to the position, not to mention for eventual communication and creation of documents and projects. It is our job as educators to prepare them for what will eventually be expected of them in the job market today.

1 comment:

  1. You are really engaged with becoming a master teacher. You consistently put on your thinking cap and are very innovative when it comes to integrating technology APPROPRIATELY --- not as a replacement, but as a truly innovative tool to improve teaching and learning.
